
Balkan Pharmaceuticals financed the publication of a guide for dentists

Balkan Pharmaceuticals financed the publication of a guide for dentists

Balkan Pharmaceuticals financed the publication of the Guide “Pharmacotherapy of dental diseases” edited in Chisinau, in 2014. The book is dedicated to teachers and medical practitioners, also to the students of the University of Medicine.

The book is a result of the work of a great number of teachers and specialists and is a premiere of collaboration between specialists and teachers from USMF “N. Testemitanu” from Chisinau and UMF “Gr. T. Popa” from Iasi, Romania.

The work “Pharmacotherapy of dental diseases” presents the main elements of the clinical pharmacology and exact methods of use of the medications (together with other therapeutic methods) in dental medicine.

As a pharmaceutical company working from 2007, Balkan Pharmaceuticals pays special attention to the support of various initiatives and scientific research in this field.

Previously, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has supported financially the publication of other textbooks of pharmacy, written by the professors from the University of Medicine, among which are the following books: “Pharma- and phytotherapy in gynaecology”, “Pharmaceutical marketing”, “Drugs – a base for rational pharmacotherapy”, “Pharmacotoxicology”, “Elements of phytopharmacology” and “Pharma- and phytotherapy in gastroenterology”.

The financing of research and publishing of textbooks in pharmaceutics is a part of the social corporate responsibility of the company Balkan Pharmaceuticals.



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