
Balkan Pharmaceuticals rewarded medical specialists at the Aquarelle Spring Ball

Balkan Pharmaceuticals rewarded medical specialists at the Aquarelle Spring Ball

Balkan Pharmaceuticals supported the Spring Ball organized by Aquarelle Magazine. At the event, Balkan Pharmaceuticals awarded the best medical specialists in the country.

The 14th edition of the Spring Ball was dedicated to women. Traditionally, the Ball included the Aquarelle Award Ceremony and a performance by local artists.

30 people were awarded for various nominations, including "Legendary Woman", "Top Manager", "Family Model", "Designer of the Year", "The Special Project", "The Best Business Project "," Best Medical Center "," Best Local Brand ", etc.

Balkan Parmaceuticals was one of the partners of the event. The pharmaceutical company contributes through its activity to developing a healthy society and increasing the life expectancy of the population of the Republic of Moldova and, at the same time, supports the talented people who demonstrate progress in their medical activity.



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