
Balkan Pharmaceuticals signed a collaboration agreement with world champion Mihail Latîşev

Balkan Pharmaceuticals signed a collaboration agreement with world champion Mihail Latîşev
Balkan Pharmaceuticals supports performance sports and promotes the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, especially among young people. The signing of the collaboration agreement with Mihail Latîşev aims at propagating the hunger for success, discipline through work and a correct lifestyle.

Mihail Latîşev is 19 years old and is the world champion and holder of the European Judo Cup (category 81 kg, youth). He is a clubmate of world number 1 – Denis Vieru, both performing for DAX Club, led by Constantin Mereacre.

By signing the agreement, Mihail Latîşev assumed the role of ambassador of the Balkan Pharmaceuticals brand, committing himself to inspire children and young people to give up sedentary lifestyles, follow an active lifestyle and practice sports.

"For me, Balkan Pharmaceuticals represents a true example of social responsibility. I am proud and happy to become the ambassador of this brand. Having a reliable partner behind me motivates me even more to persevere and fight for big victories. My dream is to participate in the Olympic games and to represent with dignity both my family, the club and partners, as well as the country!", said Mihail Latîşev.

"Moldova has special young people - talented people who can change the course of things for the better. Mihail is such a young man. The results he achieved, at only 19 years old, are already astonishing. Such talents must not only be valued and supported, but also offered as an example to others. We are confident that we have signed a partnership agreement with a future Olympic champion!", said Vasile Cazacu, the general director of Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

Mihail Latîşev is originally from the village of Dobrogea Veche, Sîngerei district. He has been practicing the sport since he was 6 years old and is the holder of 4 gold medals and 3 bronze medals on international level.
Photos: Sabau Gabriela


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