

Balkan Pharmaceuticals testing laboratory accredited by MOLDAC
We are proud to announce that on July 19, 2024, the Balkan Pharmaceuticals Quality Control Department's Testing Laboratory officially received the Certificate of Accreditation from the National Accreditation Center "MOLDAC". This marks a significant achievement, demonstrating our continued commitment to excellence and quality in the pharmaceutical field.
Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Balkan Pharmaceuticals Alongside National Athletes
On July 16, the Real Media news portal organized an event dedicated to Moldovan athletes titled "Evening of Champions."
Wednesday, 17 July 2024
The Honest Taxpayer Gala 2024: Recognizing Efforts in Promoting Fiscal Discipline
Today, July 1st, on the occasion of celebrating 34 years since the establishment of the State Tax Service of the Republic of Moldova, the "Honest Taxpayer Gala 2024" took place, during which Balkan Pharmaceuticals was recognized as a taxpayer contributing to the promotion of fiscal discipline and state budget revenues.
Monday, 01 July 2024
The 5th Congress of Family Doctors of the Republic of Moldova
On May 17-18, the 5th Congress of Family Doctors of the Republic of Moldova, the most important scientific-practical forum for specialists in this field, is taking place in Chișinău.
Monday, 20 May 2024
Marking Romania's National Day in Chisinau with a Remarkable Cultural Spectacle
In an atmosphere filled with music and emotion, the Romanian Cultural Institute "Mihai Eminescu" hosted a night of celebration in Chisinau, in collaboration with the Embassy of Romania in the Republic of Moldova and with the support of Balkan Pharmaceuticals. The event was highlighted by a concert featuring the troupe of the Musical Theatre "Ambassadors" and the National Philharmonic Orchestra "Serghei Lunchievici," part of a series of cultural events dedicated to Romania's National Day. The event took place on December 9th at the National Theatre "Mihai Eminescu."
Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Balkan Pharmaceuticals, Awarded for the 8th Consecutive Time at the Notorium Gala
Balkan Pharmaceuticals has been honored for the eighth consecutive time with the prestigious Notorium trophy for pharmaceutical products. The trophy was lifted by Carolina Ciobanu, the company's pharmacist.
Tuesday, 05 December 2023
Balkan Pharmaceuticals at FIBO 2023
During April 13-16, Balkan Pharmaceuticals is participating in FIBO 2023, the world's most important fitness, wellness and health exhibition, which takes place in the city of Cologne, Germany.
Friday, 14 April 2023
Balkan Pharmaceuticals signed a collaboration agreement with world champion Mihail Latîşev
Mihail Latîşev is 19 years old and is the world champion and holder of the European Judo Cup (category 81 kg, youth). He is a clubmate of world number 1 – Denis Vieru, both performing for DAX Club, led by Constantin Mereacre.
Friday, 24 Marth 2023
Balkan Pharmaceuticals awarded the Notorium Trophy for the 7th time in a row
Balkan Pharmaceuticals was awarded the Notorium trophy for the 7th consecutive year. This year, Balkan Pharmaceuticals won 2 Notorium 1st place trophies, in the Pharmaceutical Products category and the Optics category.
Tuesday, 29 November 2022
Balkan Pharmaceuticals strengthens its energy independence
Today, October 12, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has launched its photovoltaic park.
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
The Ambassador of Romania visiting Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Today, August 29, the Ambassador of Romania to the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Cristian-Leon Turcanu, visited the manufacturing complex of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, in the city of Sângera.
Monday, 29 August 2022
"Whoever invests in Moldova is a great optimist". Interview with Vasile Cazacu, director of Balkan Pharmaceuticals
“Whoever invests in Moldova is a big optimist…”. This is how Vasile Cazacu, General Director of the pharmaceutical company Balkan Pharmaceuticals with foreign capital, answered the question about investment risks in Moldova. In an interview with BP, he spoke about the peculiarities of the Moldovan pharmaceutical market, new standards, price increases and drug production.
Friday, 19 August 2022
Un supliment minune pentru menținerea sănătății oaselor și articulațiilor -
Un supliment minune pentru menținerea sănătății oaselor și articulațiilor Suferi de dureri de oase și articulații ? Balkan Pharmaceuticals Joint Support Ultra este produsul de care ai nevoie pentru a menține sănătatea articulațiilor, oaselor și ligamentelor. Este o combinație unică de magneziu, MSM și complex de vitamine B, care lucrează împreună pentru a asigura o puternică acțiune antiinflamatoare la nivelul oaselor și articulațiilor, îmbunătățind în același timp flexibilitatea și mobilitatea. Iată de ce Joint Support Ultra este altfel decât majoritatea suplimentelor de pe piață.
Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Cum să-ți menții oasele și articulațiile sănătoase -
Cum să-ți menții oasele și articulațiile sănătoase (P) Ai observat că, pe măsură ce înaintezi în vârstă, durerile de oase și articulații devin tot mai acute? Ideal pentru cei care doresc să susțină sănătatea și rezistența ligamentelor, oaselor și articulațiilor, Balkan Pharmaceuticals Joint Support Ultra este un supliment care conține o combinație puternică de ingrediente. Descoperă motivele principale pentru care Joint Support Ultra este alegerea ideală pentru menținerea sănătății osoase. O combinație puternică de substanțe revoluționare
Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Joint Support Ultra - Revista Sport
Majoritatea oamenilor, în special după o anumită vârstă, suferă destul de des de dureri de oase sau de articulații, cauzele acestora fiind multiple : traumatismul unei regiuni (mișcări bruște, ridicări incorecte a greutăților, căderi, întinderi, dislocare, lovituri), suprasolicitarea, imobilizarea prelungită, boli reumatice (artita). Dacă ești în căutarea unui supliment alimentar cu o compoziție unică și revoluționară ce poate contribui la menținerea sănătății articulațiilor, oaselor și ligamentelor, Balkan Pharmaceuticals Joint Support Ultra este produsul de care ai nevoie.
Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Balkan Pharmaceuticals has developed an innovative product on the Romanian market: Joint Support, the most complex product for joint protection
Balkan Pharmaceuticals has been on the Romanian market for two years with the most complex joint protection product: Joint Support. This is the result of five years of intensive research and two years of clinical trials. The product is dedicated to both performance athletes and people who enjoy an active lifestyle and do not want to have to deal with everything that means rheumatic ailments.
Thursday, 09 June 2022
Denis Vieru, about victories, life routines and the support offered by Balkan Pharmaceuticals
On April 29, Moldovan judoka Denis Vieru won the bronze medal at the European JUDO Championship. He recently became the world leader in the 66 kg weight class, having previously won gold medals at the Grand Slams in Abu Dhabi, Antalya and Portugal. What is the daily routine of the athlete who makes the Republic of Moldova known all over the world and who are those who support him, find out in the interview given by Denis Vieru for AGORA.
Monday, 16 May 2022
BP CEO, Vasile Cazacu: Pharmaceutical security, the new factory and employees' wages
How important is the pharmaceutical field for the population? What problems do drug manufacturers currently face? What is happening with the workforce in this field, but also what are the future plans of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, follow in the interview below.
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
Balkan Pharmaceuticals - a major investor in the Republic of Moldova
The pharmaceutical company founded in 2006, is one of the largest Romanian investors in the Republic of Moldova. In just a few years since its launch, the company has started investing in expanding its business and opening a new production facility.
Friday, 10 December 2021
Balkan Pharmaceuticals awarded the Notorium 2021 prize
For the sixth year in a row, Balkan Pharmaceuticals receives the Notorium Trademark Awards. For the first time, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has been awarded 3 trophies for three different categories - pharmaceuticals, food supplements and pharmacy networks.
Wednesday, 08 December 2021
He made his debut for FC Balkan Pharmaceuticals at just 14 years old
Alex Tumuruc is only 15 years old, but he has already managed to become a star in the Moldovan futsal championship, scoring his first goal.
Friday, 03 December 2021
Balkan Pharmaceuticals responded to doctors' requests by developing a new product, used in oral anesthesia, during dental procedures.
Thursday, 02 December 2021
Balkan Pharmaceuticals' Ambassador - Denis Vieru, wins Abu Dhabi Grand Slam
On his way to the gold medal, in the 66 kg category, Vieru had first overtaken the hosts' representative Ali Alyammahi, then his Moldovan compatriot Radu Izvoreanu.
Monday, 29 November 2021
Balkan Pharmaceuticals general manager's interview for TVR Moldova
On 30.09.2021, the general manager of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Vasile Cazacu, had an intervention during the "Common Objective" show on TVR Moldova, in which he referred to the potential of Romanian investments in the Republic of Moldova.
Thursday, 07 October 2021
The "Diaconia" Social Mission, with the support of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, organized a special event entitled "Celebrating Life"
On September 21, the "Diaconia" Social Mission, with the support of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, organized the special event entitled "Celebrating Life", dedicated to the anniversary of a decade of activity of the Maternal Center "In Mother's Arms"
Monday, 27 September 2021
A new industrial complex is being designed in Romania
To celebrate 15 years of existence, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has initiated the construction of a new industrial complex in Iasi county.
Friday, 10 September 2021
Denis Vieru awarded with bronze medal at the European Judo Championship 2020
Judoka Denis Vieru, Balkan Pharmaceuticals' brand ambassador in the world of performance sports, won the bronze medal at the 2020 European Judo Championship in Prague.
Friday, 27 November 2020
Balkan Pharmaceuticals awarded with the Notorium trophy, for the fourth consecutive year
Balkan Pharmaceuticals - the largest drug manufacturer in the Republic of Moldova and one of the largest in Eastern Europe, was awarded the Notorium 2020 Prize for the fourth consecutive year.
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Obiectiv comun - production of medicines used in the treatment of Covid19
The intervention of Mr. Vasile Cazacu, during the Common Objective show on Tuesday, October 20, on TVR Moldova.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Moldova could produce the drug for the treatment of patients with COVID-19
Republica Moldova ar putea, în timpul apropiat, să producă Remdesivir, primul medicament autorizat în Statele Unite şi Uniunea Europeană pentru tratamentul pacienţilor cu COVID-19. Agenţia Medicamentului anunţă că a lansat, în acest sens, discuţii cu producătorii autohtoni, dar şi cu autorităţile din alte state.
Monday, 12 October 2020
The Minister of Economy and Infrastructure and Director-General of the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices paid a working visit to Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Today, September 24, the Director General of the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices, Mr. Eremei Priseajniuc, together with the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, Mr. Sergiu Railean, paid a working visit to the local drug manufacturer, Balkan Pharmaceuticals.
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Balkan Pharmaceuticals donates disinfectant solutions and 1000 protection screens for medical workers
The epidemiological safety of medical staff and patients should be an absolute priority at this time. To ensure this, Balkan Pharmaceuticals delivered 500 liters of disinfectant solution to the newly founded institution - Covid Center-19.
Friday, 17 April 2020
Balkan Pharmaceuticals made two other donations of 500 liters of disinfectant solution to public hospitals
After 500 liters of disinfectants were provided to the Border Police, the Balkan Pharmaceuticals team donates to two public hospitals - the main centers fighting against coronavirus. The pharmaceutical manufacturer is grateful for the dedication shown by the staff of the Toma Ciorbă Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases and the National Center for Emergency Medicine, in the fight against COVID-19 in the Republic of Moldova.
Thursday, 09 April 2020
The head of state mentioned that providing the population with medicines, along with food security, is a vital issue, especially in pandemic conditions. Igor Dodon expressed gratitude to those present for the responsible attitude in the issue of supplying people with necessary drugs.
Friday, 03 April 2020
Balkan Pharmaceuticals offers support to the Border Police
500 liters of disinfectant and 1000 protective masks donated to Border Police by Balkan Pharmaceuticals
Thursday, 26 Marth 2020
Balkan Pharmaceuticals' futsal team captain nominated at the AFSM Gala
Balkan Pharmaceuticals' captain and Moldova’s national team goalkeeper - Oleg Chitoroagă, received the best goalkeeper of the year award, at the AFSM Gala 2019.
Monday, 23 December 2019
Balkan Pharmaceuticals has declared its support for Judo Champion Denis Vieru
Balkan Pharmaceuticals supports a healthy lifestyle and engages in various corporate social responsibility actions. The company supports the self-titled futsal team (vice champion of Moldova) and the a Judo club for children and teenagers. Recently, Balkan Pharmaceuticals signed a collaboration contract with the Dax Club Association, for the support of Judo Champion Denis Vieru.
Friday, 20 December 2019
Balkan Pharmaceuticals commitments for 2020, set when receiving the Notorium award
Balkan Pharmaceuticals has become a nationally and internationally recognized name in the drug market. Recently, the brand has been awarded the NOTORIUM trophy as a recognized brand. It is the the third consecutive year, Balkan Pharmaceuticals receives this prestigious award.
Monday, 02 December 2019
(VIDEO) Interview with the General Director of Balkan Pharmaceuticals about the situation on the pharmaceutical market
The general manager of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Vasile Cazacu, offered an interview for the TVR television, in which he addressed the situation on the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Moldova. The interview was broadcasted on 28.11.2019, in the Obiectiv Comun show.
Friday, 29 November 2019
FC Balkan Pharmaceuticals starts the new season with two consecutive wins
The Balkan Pharmaceuticals futsal team starts the new season of the Joma League with two consecutive victories - 7:2 against Steaua Dental and 11:1 against Olimpia Balti.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Photo. Balkan Pharmaceuticals at MoldMedizin & MoldDent 2019
The Balkan Pharmaceuticals stand at MoldMedizin & MoldDent 2019 was, at times, to small for all those who wanted to get acquainted with the products and plans of the largest drug manufacturer in Moldova.
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Balkan Pharmaceuticals' invitation to MoldMedizin & MoldDent 2019
Balkan Pharmaceuticals, one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in Eastern Europe, a partner of the scientific and practical conference program of the exhibition MoldMedizin & MoldDent, supports the development of specialists in the field of medicine.
Monday, 09 September 2019
WHO Working Group in visit at Balkan Pharmaceuticals
The Balkan Pharamceuticals Medicine Factory in Singera was visited by a working group at the initiative and under the auspices of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.
Friday, 21 June 2019
Balkan Pharmaceuticals wins the AIR Cup
Balkan Pharmaceuticals Moldova became the winner of the first edition of the AIR Cup, scoring a total of 31 goals in four games. In the final of the competition, Balkan Pharmaceuticals won against Trigor AVD with a result of 7:3. The Goal-getter of the tournament was Dumitru Cojocaru (Balkan Pharmaceuticals), who scored 18 times.
Wednesday, 29 May 2019
Emisiunea „Acces Limitat” în vizită la Balkan Pharmaceuticals
On April 20, Moldova's public channel Moldova 1 broadcasted the "Limited Access" show in which they addressed the process of medication manufacturing. Producers of the show visited the Balkan Pharmaceuticals plant in Singera, where they documented the main production processes.
Monday, 22 April 2019
A Money-Banii interview with Balkan Pharmaceuticals' specialists
"Investors were attracted by the location: at the intersection of the European Union and the CIS market. So Moldova is a strategic location. At the moment of the investment, taxes were attractive, as well as the fact that the wages claimed by professionals in Moldova are lower compared to the European Union. So there was a conjuncture of factors that convinced the investor to choose Moldova "- declared Vasile Cazacu, general manager of Balkan Pharmaceuticals.
Wednesday, 27 Marth 2019
91 medications you can get for free
Since February 2019, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has been offering patients 91 free medicines based on a compensated drug program. The list contains drugs for easy and for chronic diseases, as well as for acute conditions.
Friday, 28 December 2018
Innocuous dyes for Balkan Pharmaceuticals tablets
We, at Balkan Pharmaceuticals, are making continuous efforts to ensure the high quality of our products.
Monday, 24 December 2018
Balkan Pharmaceuticals and TVR, partners of the "You have a book, you are part!" campaign
After the beginning of June, TVR MOLDOVA and Balkan Pharmaceuticals made a beautiful surprise for 260 children from the village of Carpineni, donating books as part of the campaign "You have a book - you are part!", Yesterday MATINALII and the representatives of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, have traveled the same route. The team visited the "Lapusnita" kindergarden.
Monday, 24 December 2018
Balkan Pharmaceuticals defeats the championship leader
The fans have witnessed a dramatic match in the 6th round of the national futsal championship, where Balkan Pharmaceuticals team won against the leaders of the Joma - FC Rîmbcom League, with a score of 3: 2.
Saturday, 22 December 2018
Alexei Untilov - the team spirit is at the highest level
Alexey Untilov from the Balkan Pharmaceuticals futsal club, shared his impressions of the 2018/2019 season in the JOMA League, and also commented on the fact that he was recognized as the best player of November.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Balkan Pharmaceuticals and the State University of Moldova sign a Partnership Agreement
On November 21, the General Manager of Balkan Pharmaceuticals - Vasile Cazacu and the Rector of the State University of Moldova - Gheorghe Ciocanu, signed a Partnership Convention which aims at adjusting the process of professional training of students to the needs of the labor market and the granting of scientific assistance in economic activities.
Friday, 23 November 2018
A win for the Balkan Pharmaceuticals futsal team in the first match of Joma League
On November 4, began the National Futsal Championship of Moldova - Liga Joma, in which the Balkan Pharmaceuticals team takes part. In the central match of the first tour, the vice-champion "Classic" unexpectedly lost to Balkans Pharmaceuticals (0: 6).
Thursday, 08 November 2018
"Obiectiv comun" show with Balkan Pharmaceuticals' director
Vasile Cazacu, Director of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, was invited to TVR Moldova to discuss the implementation of GMP (good manufacturing practice), the achievements in the field, but also the main issues faced by local pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Balkan Pharmaceuticals' head of pharma representatives - Georgel Bacinschi, revealed Balkan Pharmaceuticals' plans for the future during "Matinalii" show from TVR Moldova, while pointing out the main achievements and objectives.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Balkan Pharmaceuticals at the Moldmedizin & Molddent 2018 Exhibition
In September 12-14, 2018, Moldexpo is organizing the MOLDMEDIZIN & MOLDDENT exhibition aiming at the development of the domestic market of medical products and services. The exhibition aims at contributing to the endowment of medical and pharmaceutical institutions in the country with high-quality medicines and equipment. This year, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has reserved the central stand of the exhibition.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
PHOTO/VIDEO: Tale of success - Balkan Pharmacaeuticals
In the last few years, we’ve got used to reading in the media about bankrupt businesses, about businessmen put to prison because they devalued their own companies, but, there still success stories here in Romania. A Romanian businessman, Alin Hauca, decided in 2006 to found a pharmaceutical company over the Prut, in the Republic of Moldova. Thus, the Balkan Pharmaceuticals Company started up near Chisinau, which, in 12 years, became one of the most important profile companies in the Republic of Moldova.
Monday, 13 August 2018
(Article) Largest Eastern European pharmaceutical manufacturer. Romanian investments in Moldova
Currently, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has a share of about 25% of locally produced medicines marketed in the Republic of Moldova. Turnover for the first six months of 2018 amounted to about 3.7 million euros.
Friday, 27 July 2018
VIDEO. PHOTO. Hundreds of children have received books from Balkan Pharmaceuticals and TVR Moldova
On June 1, TVR MOLDOVA in partnership with Balkan Pharmaceuticals, organized a big party for 300 children attending the four kindergartens in the village of Carpineni, Hincesti district. The event marked the beginning of the Romanian Reading and Literary Promotion Campaign "AI CARTE, AI PARTE!".
Friday, 01 June 2018
The expansion of the range of manufactured medicines is one of the main goals of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, which contributes to ensuring the pharmaceutical security of the Republic of Moldova and diminishing the dependence on imported drugs.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
The succes of Balkan Pharmaceuticals Futsal team

În actuala ediție a campionatului național la futsal, echipa Balkan Pharmaceuticals s-a clasat pe locul 4, cu 21 de puncte la activ. Băieții noștri au jucat 14 meciuri, în care au obținut 6 câștiguri, 3 rezultate de egalitate și 5 înfrângeri.

Thursday, 10 May 2018
9 new medicinal products registered in 2018

In the first 120 days of 2018, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has registered 9 new drugs and re-registered 2 medicinal products. New drugs include Etoposide-BP, Furosemid-BP, but also the irreplaceable product - Water for injections, solvent for parenteral use. The expansion of the range of manufactured medicines is one of the main goals of Balkan Pharmaceuticals, which contributes to ensuring the pharmaceutical security of the Republic of Moldova and diminishing the dependence on imported drugs.

Monday, 30 April 2018
Romanian investments in the Republic of Moldova (TVR Moldova report)

Fourteen companies with Romanian capital operating in the Republic of Moldova have joined forces and created the Association of Romanian Investors of the Republic of Moldova. Until now, their investments exceed 76 million euros. Two prime ministers – Pavel Filip (Moldova) and Veronica Dăncilă (Romania) – also assisted at the inauguration of the Association.

Thursday, 19 April 2018
Bronhoclean - a drug to cure Bronchitis

An article published in Sanatate magazine, about the ways to treat bronchitis with the help of Bronhoclean, a product of Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

Wednesday, 28 Marth 2018
Interview with the vice captain of the Balkan Pharmaceuticals futsal team - Alexei Untilov

In 2015, Balkan Pharmaceuticals expanded its program of corporate social responsibility, deciding to provide financial support to the futsal team of SC Gratieshti. As a token of gratitude, the team changed its name from "SK Gratieshty" to "Balkan Pharmaceuticals". Here’s an interview with Alexei Untilov, vice captain and one of the leaders of the futsal team, which bears the name of our company.

Wednesday, 14 Marth 2018
Balkan Pharmaceuticals reveals its numbers

Balkan Pharmaceuticals, one of the largest drug manufacturing facilities in Southeastern Europe, is located in Singera, Republic of Moldova. The company counts 209 types of drugs registered in the State Nomenclature. In 2017 Balkan Pharmaceuticals produced 153 names of medicines.

Balkan Pharmaceuticals is the second company to reveal its numbers in the campaign launched by AGORA.

Friday, 09 Marth 2018
Interview with Vasile Cazacu, CEO of Balkan Pharmaceuticals

I hope that 2018 will be a year of radical change for the better. I would like the domestic producer to be able to broaden its market share. There are prerequisites for this and I hope 2018 will be successful.

Monday, 26 February 2018
An interview by about the quality of medicines manufactured in Moldova

An article about the quality of medicines produced in Moldova, the success of Balkan Pharmaceuticals since the opening of the new production complex in Singera, the price policies and social responsability of the company and the importance of the patient for Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018
A new method of protection against counterfeit products

Balkan Pharmaceuticals continues its efforts to maintain the high quality of medicines and to protect its customers from counterfeited products. We highly recommend that you pay attention to the identification elements of the original Balkan Pharmaceutical products.

Monday, 12 February 2018
Communiqué on charity actions

Since its foundation, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has been drawing attention to social responsibility actions. One of our main goals is to help people live longer, be healthier and happier. For this reason, we are constantly involved in socially important activities, supporting the health system, culture, sport and people in need of help. It's a tough job we do with our partners from different organizations.

Friday, 09 February 2018
Balkan Pharmaceuticals visits Ionut Rotaru

He has impressed a whole country with his life story, and now he recieves surprise after surprise. We are talking about Ionuţ Rotaru from Dumbrăveni village, Soroca district, the protagonist of the New Year's Edition of the DA sau NU show from PRIME. After receiving 100,000 lei from Balkan Pharmaceuticals, the boy's family was again visited by the company's representatives, who brought them a stove, a washing machine and a laptop.

Saturday, 27 January 2018
Like old times. More than 1,000 people participated in the "Take your grandparents to the theater"

More than 500 elderly people went to theater free of charge with children, grandchildren or life partners in the campaign "Take your grandparents to the theater". For one month, for each ticket purchased, grandchildren could receive a free ticket for their grandparents, or 60+ parents.

Thursday, 25 January 2018
(Video) NTV Moldova about Balkan Pharmaceuticals's win over Râmbcom

The holders of the silver medal last season and the Moldova Cup finalists - Râmbcom, started the year with a 0:2 defeat in the eighth round match of the Futsal Championship against the Balkan Pharmaceuticals team.

After this victory, Balkan rose to the last place of the podium.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018
Balkan Pharmaceuticals futsal team wins against FC Râmbcom

Balkan Pharmaceuticals futsal team wins against FC Râmbcom, and secures three points in fight for the title.

Monday, 15 January 2018
Tablets to treat ones body. Theater to treat ones soul

Tablets for body therapy and theater for soul therapy. During winter holidays, Balkan Pharmaceuticals finansed the campaign "Come to the theater with your grandparents", part of the 60plus social project, encouraging young people to invite their grandparents to theater, offering them free tickets.

Wednesday, 03 January 2018
Balkan Pharmaceuticals donates 100 000 lei for the Rotaru family

Vasile Cazacu, Balkan Pharmaceuticals' Executive Officer, has donated 100 000 lei to the Rotaru family, during the Da sau Nu TV show. Rotaru family has 11 members - the parents and their 9 children.

Saturday, 30 December 2017
Balkan Pharmaceuticals's social responsibility

The foundation and development of a business from scratch involves, in addition to financial resources, a long-term vision and care for employees and consumers. And with the growth of the company, it also increases its responsibility towards society. Balkan Pharmaceuticals is an example of social corporate responsibility in Moldova.

An article about Balkan Pharmaceuticals social responsibility, published by

Thursday, 28 December 2017
Balkan Pharmaceuticals sponsors the social project "Bring your grandparents to the theater"

Balkan Pharmaceuticals supports the social campaign "Bring your grandparents to the theater", an initiative of the "60 Plus" Social Program, in partnership with the Mihai Eminescu National Theater.

Thus, for one month, for each ticket bought at the "Mihai Eminescu" National Theater, visitors will receive the second ticket free of charge upon presenting the Retirement card of their grandparents or 60+ parents. Free tickets are issued thanks to the funds provided by Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

Thursday, 14 December 2017
(VIDEO) Balkan Pharmaceuticals sponsors a book presentation in Bucharest

Balkan Pharmaceuticals sponsors a book presentation in Bucharest.

Thursday, 02 November 2017
Balkan Pharmaceuticals sponsors a book presentation in Chișinău

Balkan Pharmaceuticals, in partnership with the National Library for Children "Ion Creanga", organized on October 19, 2017 the launch of the illustrated book "Aniţa-cu-Bundiţa and her wonderful travels in the World of Worlds along with the indulgent Duţă-Ghinduţă", authors Luiza Ciolac, Anne Chiriţescu, Romania.

Thursday, 19 October 2017
Balkan Pharmaceuticals renovates a resting room at a local children's hospital

On Thursday, October 19, 2017, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has opened a renovated resting room in the Valentin Ignatenco Children's hospital. The room was renovated so that little patients could feel a bit more like home. It is supplied with toys, books, confortable chairs and sofas, and a TV with children's favorite cartoons.

Thursday, 19 October 2017
(Video) Hidroreg - Be smart - stay hydrated!

Presentation of Hidroreg in the "Talks with Galina" show - | Internet magazine, dedicated to Moldavian women.

Unica is an online women's magazine that provides latest information on fashion, beauty, health, diet, sex - from Moldavian specialists!

Monday, 31 July 2017
Hidroreg — Be smart, stay hydrated!

In summer, the danger of dehydration is especially big. Hot weather, intense physical activity, diarrhea or vomiting are the causes of dehydration. It is worth considering that, together with sweat, we lose a huge amount of useful substances and elements. If you drink only water - this will not restore the level of electrolytes and quench your thirst only for a short time, since water without electrolytes is quickly eliminated from the body. But we have a solution to this problem!

Saturday, 01 July 2017
(Article) Quality medicines at reasonable price

An article in Sanatate magazine, about the quality, laboratory, personnel and equipment of Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

"The complex is equipped with the latest systems and equipment. Thanks to these modern instruments, a precise physico-chemical analysis of medicines is carried out. Each material used in the manufacture of medicines undergoes a detailed check."

Thursday, 15 June 2017
Compensated medicines from Balkan Pharmaceuticals

An article published in Business Class's April magazine, about the compensated medicines manufactured by Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

Thursday, 01 June 2017
The Medicines Agency of the Republic of Moldova has issued the GMP Certificate for Balkan Pharmaceuticals

On 26.06.2017, the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of the Republic of Moldova released the GMP Certificate for the Balkan Pharmaceuticals factory. The Certificate is issued for manufacturing sterile products (aseptic preparations - low volume liquids and injectable suspensions, sterilized products), non-sterile products (capsules, tablets, powders for solutions / suspensions for oral use) as well as for tests of quality control.

Friday, 26 May 2017
(Articol) Politica de control a calității - garantul succesului

An article published in Business Class magazine, about the quality control policies for Balkan Pharmaceuticals's products.

Monday, 01 May 2017
(Video) Excursion at the factory of the largest manufacturer of medicines in Moldova

A video about the production process at the plant of the largest manufacturer of medicines in the Republic of Moldova and the region - Balkan Pharmaceuticals. The video was shot before the transfer of the production process to the newest facility in Singera.


Friday, 14 April 2017
Balkan Pharmaceuticals - We want you to live longer

The Sanatate Magazine has published an article on Balkan Pharmaceuticals' activity, quality and plans.

"Balkan Pharmaceuticals is a unique production facility equipped with the latest systems and equipment. The plant offers an opportunity to increase the volume of production, to provide over 400 jobs and to expand to the pharmaceuticals market of EU."

Wednesday, 05 April 2017
Balkan Pharmaceuticals rewarded medical specialists at the Aquarelle Spring Ball

Balkan Pharmaceuticals supported the Spring Ball organized by Aquarelle Magazine. At the event, Balkan Pharmaceuticals awarded the best medical specialists in the country.

The 14th edition of the Spring Ball was dedicated to women. Traditionally, the Ball included the Aquarelle Award Ceremony and a performance by local artists.

Tuesday, 04 April 2017
Balkan Pharmaceuticals has opened in Moldova one of the largest medicine factory in Eastern Europe

In order to grow a healthy society and to increase life expectancy, the population of Moldova needs quality medical products at an affordable price. Following this objective, Balkan Pharmaceuticals inaugurated Thursday, October 20, 2016 one of the largest medicine factory in Eastern Europe.

The new pharmaceutical factory in Singera is an important Romanian investment that will create over 400 new workplaces.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016, the opening ceremony of the National Cancer Symposium attended by international guests took place at the Oncology Institute of Moldova. The event was organized by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu", Oncology Institute and the Moldovan Oncology Society, with the financial support from the company Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

Friday, 14 October 2016

In February 2016, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has received the visit of the French journalist, Xavier Deleu. During the visit, the French journalist had the opportunity to see the factory spaces with limited access, to discuss with company’s management and some employees. He also made a visit to the new, almost finished, Balkan Pharmaceuticals factory, located in Singera.

Monday, 20 June 2016
Balkan Pharmaceuticals sponsored the 6th International Congress “MedEspera”

Between 12th to 14th May 2016 in Chisinau was held the International Medical Congress for students and young doctors “MedEspera”. Being at its 6th edition, the event gathered over 850 participants, students and renowned doctors from Romania, Ukraine, Germany, Russia, Lithuania, Israel and Armenia.

Monday, 16 May 2016
Futsal team sponsored by Balkan Pharmaceuticals won the Kelme A League, promoting the team to National Division

Balkan Pharmaceuticals futsal team won the Kelme A League, the second best futsal championship in Moldova, promoting the team to National Division. The final match was held between the finalists "Balkan Pharmaceuticals" and "Moldova U-21". Final Score was 9:7, in favour of the team sponsored by Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

Tuesday, 03 May 2016
A French journalist visiting Balkan Pharmaceuticals factory

February 1, 2016 Balkan Pharmaceuticals received the visiting French journalist, Xavier DELEU to its medicines producing factory in Chisinau.

During the visit the journalist had the opportunity to see spaces with limited access within the factory in Chisinau and to discuss with the management of the company and some of the employees. The journalist paid a visit also to the new Balkan Pharmaceuticals factory in Singera.

Monday, 01 February 2016

Each end of the year is a good opportunity for sharing all the achievements and also, a right time to make plans for the future. During the past year, our company continued to produce quality and reasonably priced medicines and managed to maintain its position in the list of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Moldova.

This year we paid a special attention to the development of medical and pharmaceutical science, and had supported initiatives and scientific researches in this field. The guide "Pharmacotherapy of dental diseases" is one of the publications printed with our financial support. The publication is dedicated to lecturers, practicing physicians and students of the University of Medicine.

Thursday, 24 December 2015
Balkan Pharmaceuticals is financially supporting a football hall team in Moldova

This autumn, Balkan Pharmaceuticals has expanded its social responsibility programs and decided to financially support the football hall team ”CS Gratiesti”. Founded 2 years ago, the team assured its participation in various sports competitions through their own funding. However, this year, due to financial difficulties, the football hall team risked in ending its career.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015
In the last couple of years the number of Moldavian couples who cannot have children has doubled

In the last couple of years, the number of couples in Moldova who cannot have children has increased. Statistics show that 22 out of 100 couples cannot conceive, one of this situation being caused by men infertility.

Experts warn about several factors leading to male infertility. These may include hormonal imbalance, an incorrect lifestyle (smoking, excess of alcohol consumption), unprotected sex, reproductive tract infections (prostate) etc.

Saturday, 24 October 2015
The first training course for nurses organized with the support of Balkan Pharmaceuticals

For the past few years, hospitals in Moldova are facing an acute shortage of medical staff. Because of low wages and unfavorable conditions they are forced to work, most of the medical specialists choose to go abroad in search of better paid job.

Statistics show that the number of nurses working in local hospitals is declining. If 22,760 nurses were working in Moldova in 2012, the number of specialists in the field was reduced with 800 (21 971) in 2014. Thus, in most cases, doctors have to fulfill the responsibilities of the ones that are missing from the system, that is double or triple work.


Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Balkan Pharmaceuticals participating at the 4th edition of the National Cancer Congress

Between 8 and 9 October 2015 Balkan Pharmaceuticals Company is participating at the 4th edition of the National Congress of Oncology. The event is organized in commemoration of the 55th Anniversary of the Oncological Institute of Moldova.

The congress entitled "Modernizing oncology service in the context of European integration" were invited scientists and oncologists from Moldova, Romania, Ukraine and Russia.

"I want to emphasize on the fact that this event is extremely important in academic science, in medical science from Moldova. The implementations of our scientists in the management of oncology services in early diagnosis, surgical treatment, chemotherapy, radiotherapy will improve the oncology assistance of the population in our country", said George Tabarna, Doctor of medicine, university professor, member of the Academy of Sciences Moldova.

Friday, 09 October 2015

Starting with 8 to 10 September 2015, Balkan Pharmaceuticals Company is participating at the 4th edition of the International Congress of Moldovan Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology. The company supports the development of the event and acts as one of its sponsors. At the Balkan Pharmaceuticals stand, visitors can find out information about medicines from the branch of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, or those with effect upon the cardiovascular system, such as HEPARIN.

Thursday, 10 September 2015
Balkan Pharmaceuticals presented its medicines at the event that marked 120 years since the founding of the Psychiatric Clinic Hospital

Balkan Pharmaceuticals Company has presented its medicines that have effect upon the nervous system at the scientific-practical conference that was organized to celebrate 120 years of activity of the Psychiatric Clinic Hospital in Chisinau.

The event is held annually on July 10th, this year scientists and psychiatrists from hospitals of Moldova, Romania and Russia were invited.

Monday, 13 July 2015
Balkan Pharmaceuticals financed the publication of a guide for dentists

Balkan Pharmaceuticals financed the publication of the Guide “Pharmacotherapy of dental diseases” edited in Chisinau, in 2014. The book is dedicated to teachers and medical practitioners, also to the students of the University of Medicine.

Monday, 12 January 2015
Balkan Pharmaceuticals wishes you happy winter holidays

The company Balkan Pharmaceuticals wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish you a year full of new achievements, good deeds and great undertakings. Let it be a year full of light, happiness, joy of life and a bright future.

We wish you well-being and peace and a bright, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Balcan Pharmaceuticals supports pharmaceutical science in Moldova

On the 31st of October 2014 the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” celebrated 50 years from the foundation day and 80 years from the day of birth of the university professor Vasile Procopișin. 

Friday, 31 October 2014
Balkan Pharmaceuticals - the local producer with the highest number of registered drugs in 2013

At the end of 2013 the share of locally produced drugs was 18.75% of the pharmaceutical market. According to a report of the National Agency of Medecines, the drugs were produced by 28 companies, but their number fell to 16, when the Rules of good manufacturing practice of drugs for humans were implemented.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Balkan Pharmaceuticals is offering financial support for the publishing of 3 books on pharmacology

In 2013, with the support from Balkan Pharmaceuticals, 2 textbooks and a guide were published in Chisinau. The books are dedicated to students and residents from State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” and for pharmacists and specialists elaborating drugs.

Monday, 02 December 2013
Romanian Investments in the Republic of Moldova - a Good Example for European Investors

The third reunion of the Joint Commission for European Integration between the parliaments of Moldova and Romania took place in Chisinau on the 5th and 6th of November 2013.

The co-president of the Joint Commission for European Integration, senator Florin Constantinescu was the head of the Romanian delegation. The Moldovan parliament was represented by Ana Guţu, the presedent of the Commission for external politics of the parliament of Moldova, co-president of the Joint Commission for European Integration.

Wednesday, 06 November 2013

The company Balkan Pharmaceuticals attends the "III Congress of Gastroenterology and Hepatology with international participation", which take place between June 20 and 21 2013, at the Republican Clinical Hospital from Chisinau.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

In the period of June 3-8, in Moldova is marked the "Anticancer Week". In the past 25 years, the number of people diagnosed with cancer is increasing. According to the Institute of Oncology, in 2012, were taken on record 8204 primary patients, more than in the last year (8080). The fight with cancer was lost by 5734 people in 2012, by 102 cases more than the previous year. At the same time, the number of patients with tumors detected in early stages when the disease can be treated and the patients - rehabilitated, has also increased (37.5% in 2012, compared to 34.3% in 2011).

Saturday, 08 June 2013
Medicines amounting 1.5 million lei, donated to the Institute of Oncology

A batch of medicines, worth 1.5 million lei, was donated today, to the Institute of Oncology in Chisinau. The donation was made within the campaign "Help fight the cancer", initiated by the company Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

Friday, 07 June 2013

The Health Minister, Andrei Usatii, director of the Institute of Oncology, Victor Cernat and the director of the Medicines Agency, Alexandru Corman, have attended the reception of medicines, donated by Balkan Pharmaceuticals.

600 boxes of Letrozole and 600 boxes of Anastrozole, donated by Balkan Pharmaceuticals, will be used to treat women suffering from breast cancer and cervical cancer.

Friday, 07 June 2013

The event was also attended by Victor Cernat, the general director of the Institute of Oncology, Silviu Chiru, the General Manager of the company Balkan Pharmaceuticals, Alexandru Coman, the general director of Medicines Agency, as well as by doctors from the Institute of Oncology. The donation, which is worth 1.5 million lei, was provided by "Balkan Pharmaceuticals".

Friday, 07 June 2013

Today, June 7, at the Institute of Oncology, took place the event of donation of a batch of medicines worth 1.5 million lei, from the company Balkan Pharmaceuticals to the Institute of Technology. The pharmaceutical company has donated anti-hormonal preparations that are administered mostly to women with breast cancer and cervical cancer. The role of these medicines is to stop the release of hormones that, otherwise, will lead to the progression of the disease.

Friday, 07 June 2013

The new medicine factory Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Together with the approval of the National Development Strategy "Moldova 2020" the country embarked on a new model of economic development, by replacing the original model, based mainly on consumption, to a dynamic model based attracting investments.

Friday, 29 Marth 2013
Over 90% of medicines from Moldova are imported. In order to treat themselves, Moldovans pay the costs of import and the trade margins of the drugstores. Only in 2012, the amount spent by consumers on medicines has increased by 21.3 %, compared to the previous year and had amounted 2.3 billion lei. Medicinal preparations would be more accessible for the population, if the share of locally produced medicines will increase in Moldova.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
© 2006-2024 Balkan Pharmaceuticals


Due to the increasing reports of fraud using the Balkan Pharmaceuticals trademark, we inform you that:

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  2. Balkan Pharmaceuticals does NOT sell products through online stores and e-mails
  3. Balkan Pharmaceuticals does NOT ship packages and does NOT request payments through Western Union, MoneyGram or other international transfer systems (SWIFT, BTC, Crypto currencies) 
  4. All employees at Balkan Pharmaceuticals exclusively use corporate email addresses with domain Please check this when responding to e-mails. Any request to make contact through other addresses is an attempt of fraud!
  5. We recommend that you learn about the latest methods of protection of Balkan Pharmaceuticals products, as well as verify the authenticity of our products, via

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