Due to the increasing reports of fraud using the Balkan Pharmaceuticals trademark, we inform you that:
- The ONLY official website of the company is https://balkanpharmaceuticals.com/
- Balkan Pharmaceuticals does NOT sell products through online stores and e-mails
- Balkan Pharmaceuticals does NOT ship packages and does NOT request payments through Western Union, MoneyGram or other international transfer systems (SWIFT, BTC, Crypto currencies)
- All employees at Balkan Pharmaceuticals exclusively use corporate email addresses with domain @balkanpharmaceuticals.com. Please check this when responding to e-mails. Any request to make contact through other addresses is an attempt of fraud!
- We recommend that you learn about the latest methods of protection of Balkan Pharmaceuticals products, as well as verify the authenticity of our products, via https://b-p.md/
The health of our patience is our type priority.